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Monthly Archives: March 2008

As has been birthday tradition for many years, I am going to Peter Lugers for my birthday.

Being that im extremely excited for a good steak. ive been reading reviews and preparing my order, will post update on sunday, dont want to spoil the surprise.

Girl seen in Clinton’s ‘3 a.m.’ ad supports Obama

BONNEY LAKE, Washington (AP) — Casey Knowles didn’t much like a recent campaign commercial for Hillary Clinton — even though she’s in it as a sleeping 8-year-old.

After all, she about to turn 18 now and is a big supporter of Barack Obama.

Dawn bought me Darth Vadar, Darth Maul, Hans Solo and Chewbacca (I then ordered Luke, Obi-wan and Mace Windu)

Mighty Muggs also has a marvel character series and Indiana Jones

The packaging is amazing too

order some